A Maintenance Program is an absolute necessity in getting the most years out of your roof. Roofs that are maintained properly can last up to 50% longer. Early detection of roofing problems are easily fixed at a very affordable price. Undetected leaks can cost thousands of dollars in repairs.
Inside and outside corners are very susceptible to mother nature. As the roofing material expands, contracts, shrinks, and moves in different directions, it is very hard on corners. Early detection of these problems are essential to Maintain a Leak Free Roof.
Many roof problems start with a clogged drain. When water backs up it can penetrate areas that are not designed to be under water, causing the insulation and roof deck to get wet. Keeping the drains working properly can Save Thousands of Dollars.
We often find small cracks or failed seams in the parapet walls, that when taken care of properly, can prevent leaks from happening. Keeping the water from getting in to these areas is very necessary, and will help Maintain The Walls Structural Integrity.
Skylights are a part of your roof that is often overlooked. Deterioration of skylights are common, and quite often overlooked. Routine physical and visual inspections, along with proper repair, can Allow Skylights to Last as Long as the Roof.
Seams are also a very common problem we find during our inspections. Failed seams are a major cause of roof damage, and can easily be repaired. Early detection and repair of failed seems can, Keep Your Roof Lasting for Many Years.
There are many reasons a roof should have a Maintenance Program, but it all comes down to what Benjamin Franklin said:
" An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"
" An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"